PGP Group of Institutions
Department of Chemistry Organised Two Days National Seminar on “ Recend Trends in Drug Design and Development in Chemical Sciences (RTDC-24) - Registration LinK -



3 years

Department of Commerce

The department of commerce has been functioning since 1994 offers B.Com, B.COM (CA), M.Com, M.Phil and Ph.D Programmes. The department is manned by academically well qualified faculty.

Computer Science

3 years

Department of Computer Science

The department of Computer Science & applications is supported by a team of well-qualified faculty members specializing in diverse areas of computer science. The department is committed to provide quality education


3 years

Department of Biochemistry

“Biochemistry reveals what living things are made of and how they work, beginning at the level of atoms and working up through the genes and proteins to the cells, tissues and organs of multicellular life”

Business Administration

3 years

Department of Business Administration

The Department of Business Administration at PGP College of Arts and Science was established in the year 1994.


3 years

Department of Microbiology

The department of Microbiology was started in 1994 with UG programme. PG programme was incepted in 1998 and M.Phil programme was started in 2014.


3 year

Department of Mathematics

Mathematics is considered to be the foundation of all sciences. The department was established in the year 1994 from the inception of the college and allied mathematics has been taught to various courses.


3 years

Department of Tamil

The Department of Tamil supported by a team of well-qualified faculty members specializing in diverse areas of Tamil. The department is committed to provide quality education, by imparting in-depth subject knowledge.


3 years

Department of English

The Department of English has been run meticulously, with the motto of developing the competence over English language and the literary knowledge of the students from the rural background

Hotel Management

3 year

Department of Hotel Management & Catering Science

Established in 1994, PGP College of Arts and Science house the School of Hotel Management & Catering Science and is affiliated to Periyar University.


3 year

Department of Chemistry

The Department of Chemistry was established in 2005 with a vision of providing the scientific knowledge among the students in rural areas around Namakkal. The Department was upgraded as PG Department in 2007.


3 years

Department of Physics

Physics is the most fundamental of all the sciences because the ideas of physics underlie the other basic sciences as well as engineering and modern technology. The world of physics ranges from the smallest particles of subatomic

Food Processing

2 year

Department of Food Processing

The PGP College of Arts and Science offer Master Degree in Food Processing. The department of Food Processing is one of the vibrant science departments established in the year 2001


3 years

Department of Biotechnology

Major role of Biotechnology courses in agriculture, medicine, food production. In late 20th & early 21st century the field expanded to include new and diverse science such as genomics, recombinanant gene technologies

Electronics and Communications

3 years

Department of Electronics and Communications

Electronics is the study of electricity (the flow of electrons) and how to use that to build things like computers. It uses circuits that are made with parts